Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lee Min-ki re-teams with Haeundae director

Lee Min-ki had a supporting role in the blockbuster hit Haeundae, and now has been chosen to headline the director Yoon Je-kyun’s new production Quick. (Yoon is producing, but not directing, the new project.)

Quick is an action comedy described as a Korean version of Taxi (based on the French original), and stars Lee Min-ki as a motorcycle delivery boy (a “quick service” deliverer, hence the title). The adventure begins when his character accidentally comes into possession of a bomb. A rep from production company JK Films, which is run by PD Yoon, described Quick as a refreshing comic film that will entertain audiences with its action scenes that speed through the heart of the city.

Yoon cast Lee Min-ki after seeing his potential in Haeundae, and also intends to bring onboard a few more cast members from that film, Kim In-kwon and Kang Ye-won. Quick will begin shooting in the latter half of the year and aims for a release in early 2011.

This sounds promising — as good as Lee is in dramatic roles, I love him even more in wacky comic situations (see: Mixed-up Investigative Agency) and can totally see him freaking out over a bomb that he inadvertently carries on his bike.

credit : javabeans+as labeled

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